Clarisse Dayne

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House Dayne.svg Lady
Clarisse Dayne
House Dayne.svg
Clarisse Dayne 02.png
Lady Clarisse Dayne

Title Lady of Starfall
Allegiance House Dayne
Culture Dornishmen

Clarisse Dayne was the Lady of Starfall and the head of House Dayne during the reign of King Maegor I Targaryen.[1]

Appearance and Character

Clarisse was considered to be proud and beautiful.[1]


When King Maegor I Targaryen decided to take another wife, Grand Maester Benifer suggested Clarisse as a possible match in the hopes of detaching House Dayne and their lands from Dorne. Maegor dismissed his advice, however.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fire & Blood, The Sons of the Dragon.
Last known title holder:
Vorian Dayne
Lady of Starfall Unknown
Next known title holder:
Lord Dayne