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House Stark.svgDancerHouse Stark.svg
Smirtouille Bran Stark and Dancer.png
Bran Stark riding Dancer, by Smirtouille © Fantasy Flight Games

Species Horse
Born In 295 AC or 296 AC[1]Winterfell
Died In 299 AC, Winterfell[2] (presumably)

TV series Game of Thrones: Season 1

Dancer is a horse at Winterfell. She is a small two-year-old filly with a chestnut coat.[3]

Recent Events

A Game of Thrones

Dancer is trained by Joseth, Winterfell's master of horse, especially for Bran Stark after he becomes crippled. She is taught to respond to touch, sound and the reins due to Bran's inability to use his legs.[3]

Bran is riding Dancer in the wolfswood when he is threatened by wildlings and deserters from the Night's Watch.[3] Bran later rides Dancer when Robb Stark departs Winterfell with the northern host.[4]

A Clash of Kings

Bran rides Dancer when Cley Cerwyn arrives at Winterfell for the harvest feast.[5] The horse is draped in bardings of snowy white wool emblazoned with the grey direwolf of House Stark when Bran rides into the Great Hall for the feast.[6]

After the capture of Winterfell by Theon Greyjoy, Bran eventually disappears from the castle. According to Aggar, all of the horses remain in the stable.[7]

When Bran emerges from the crypt of Winterfell after the sacking of the castle, Bran sees dead horses in the burned stables and assumes Dancer is among them.[2]


She was two years old, and Joseth said she was smarter than any horse had a right to be.[3]

—thoughts of Bran Stark
