Donnel Locke

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House Locke 2.svg Ser
Donnel Locke
House Locke 2.svg
Title Ser[1]
Allegiance House Locke
Culture Northmen
Died 299 AC[2]
the Twins[2]

Donnel Locke is a knight from House Locke.[1]

Recent Events

A Clash of Kings

At some point, Donnel is captured by Lannister forces. He is offered along with Lord Medger Cerwyn in a trade for Tion Frey by Tyrion Lannister.[1]

A Storm of Swords

At some point, Donnel is released from captivity. One of Robb Stark's sworn swords,[3] Donnel attends the wedding of Lord Edmure Tully to Lady Roslin Frey at the Twins. He is among those nobles killed during the Red Wedding, getting hit with crossbow bolts.[2]
