Feature quote/154

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“Her blood is on your hands. Her blood is on your cock. May you die screaming.” —Rhaena Targaryen
“What are you saying, woman? This is the will of the gods. The Stranger comes for all of us. How could it be my doing? What did I do?” —Rogar Baratheon
“You put your cock in her. She gave you one son, that should have been enough. Save my wife, you should have said, but what are wives to men like you? Hear this, my lord. Do not think to wed again. Take care of the whelps my mother gave you, my half-brother and half-sister. See that they want for nothing. Do that, and I will let you be. If I should hear even a whisper of you taking some other poor maid to wife, I will make another Harrenhal of Storm's End, with you and her inside it.” —Rhaena Targaryen[1]

  1. Fire & Blood, Birth, Death, and Betrayal Under King Jaehaerys I.