Vaes Diaf

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Vaes Diaf is a ruined city in Essos in the Dothraki sea, south of the Kingdom of Sarnor and north of Meereen.[1] It was originally called Hazdahn Mo, but it is now known by its Dothraki language name, Vaes Diaf, meaning City of the Skull.[2]


The Ghiscari hill city Hazdahn Mo was once a thriving slave market.[3]

After the fall of Sathar, at the hands of the Dothraki during the Century of Blood, the women and children of the city were carried off on a grueling march to Hazdahn Mo, though three-quarters of them died.[3] Hazdahn Mo was in turn eventually destroyed by the Dothraki during the same century.[2]

Behind the Scenes

Hazdahn Mo[3][2] is misspelled as "Hazdahn No" in The Lands of Ice and Fire.[1][4]
