Jonah Mooton

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House Mooton.svg Lord
Jonah Mooton
House Mooton.svg
Title Lord of Maidenpool[1]
Allegiance House Mooton
Culture Rivermen
Spouse Lady Perianne Moore

Jonah Mooton was the heir to, and later Lord of Maidenpool and head of House Mooton during the reign of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen.[1]


Jonah Mooton, Red Roy Connington, and Braxton Beesbury became the three male favorites of Princess Saera Targaryen in 82 AC. Jonah, Roy, Braxton, Saera, Alys Turnberry, and Perianne Moore became inseparable at every feast and ball, hunted and hawked together, and once sailed across Blackwater Bay to Dragonstone.[1]

In 84 AC, Jonah, Roy, and Braxton were found drunk at the Blue Pearl, a brothel in King's Landing, laughing as the king's fool, Tom Turnip, was surrounded by whores. When asked by men of the City Watch, Roy admitted they thought it would be funny to see the fool do the deed, and Jonah laughed, saying it had been Saera's notion, praising her cleverness.[1]

When Perianne and Alys were questioned about the incident, it was revealed that Alys was pregnant outside of wedlock, and that Saera had coerced them into sexual acts with her male favorites. Jonah, Roy, and Braxton were then imprisoned in the dungeons for one night.[1]

When questioned by King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne, Saera defended herself by saying Jonah Mooton said she loved her. She confessed that she had given her maidenhead to all three of her male favorites, with each of them thinking he was the first. She proposed a solution of redemption by marrying all three of her favorites, like King Maegor and his six wives, of which the king grew furious at.[1]

A hasty marriage was arranged for Perianne to Jonah, with the king telling him he could play a part in her redemption as he had played a part in her ruin. The marriage was a success, and they later ruled together as Lord and Lady of Maidenpool. King Jaehaerys later asked Lord Jonah and Lady Perianne to keep watch for Saera after she fled from her punishment in Oldtown.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Fire & Blood, The Long Reign - Jaehaerys and Alysanne: Policy, Progeny, and Pain.
Last known title holder:
Jirelle Mooton
Lord of Maidenpool Unknown
Next known title holder:
Walys Mooton