Lord Blackwood (Aerys II)

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House Blackwood.svgLord BlackwoodHouse Blackwood.svg
Title Lord of Raventree Hall
Allegiance House Blackwood
Culture Rivermen

Lord Blackwood was the Lord of Raventree Hall and the head of House Blackwood during the reign of King Aerys II Targaryen.[1] His given name is unknown.


In 276 AC or 277 AC, Lord Blackwood and Lord Bracken travelled to Riverrun to lay their feud before their liege lord, Hoster Tully. During their stay, Lord Hoster announced the betrothal of his twelve-year-old daughter, Catelyn Tully, to the heir of Winterfell, Brandon Stark.[2][3][4]

When a border dispute over a mill arose, the two lords came to King's Landing to seek judgment from the Crown. The Hand of the King, Lord Tywin Lannister, arbitrated in favor of Lord Blackwood but was overruled by King Aerys II Targaryen who gave the disputed mill to Lord Bracken.[1]


Last known title holder:
Quentyn Blackwood
Lord of Raventree Unknown
Next known title holder:
Tytos Blackwood