Rob the Starvling

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Star of the Faith.svg Poor Fellows.svg Night's Watch.svg Rob
the Starvling
Alias Rob the Starvling[1]
Culture Westerosi
Book Fire & Blood (mentioned)

Rob, better known as Rob the Starvling, was a member of the Poor Fellows during the Faith Militant uprising.[1]


Following the death of Septon Moon, Rob the Starvling became one of his would-be successors. He conflicted with Lorcas the Learned over the possession of Septon Moon's corpse. Rob was not among the Poor Fellows killed when they attacked Oldtown, nor those one of those killed when Donnel Hightower bestirred himself to slaughter the survivors.[1]

During the time the newly crowned King Jaehaerys I Targaryen journeyed from Oldtown to King's Landing, Rob the Starvling was among the Poor Fellows who presented themselves to the king to beg for clemency. They were pardoned, on the condition that they agreed to join the Night's Watch.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fire & Blood, Prince into King - The Ascension of Jaehaerys I.