Sam Stoops' wife

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Sam Stoops' wife
Allegiance House Osgrey
Culture Reach
Spouse Sam Stoops[1]
Book The Sworn Sword (appears)

Sam Stoops' wife was an old serving woman at Standfast during the reign of King Aerys I Targaryen.[1] The name of Sam Stoops' spouse is unknown.

Appearance and Character

The old woman was so hunched that her head was lower than her shoulders. She was superstitious and believed that Rohanne Webber, Lady of Coldmoat, sold her unborn children to the Lord of the Seven Hells and had them collected by demons.[1]


Ser Duncan the Tall observed the woman cleaning the hearth at Standfast and washing clothes in the undercellar. She provided bowls of stew for all, thick with carrots, onions, and barley for Duncan's recruits. The servant also sewed the clothes of the late Addam Osgrey so they would be wearable for Egg. Ser Bennis of the Brown Shield tied up Sam Stoops and his wife when Ser Eustace Osgrey was away.[1]
