Uthor Underleaf

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Uthor.svg Ser
Uthor Underleaf
Alias The Snail[1]
Title Ser
Culture Westerosi
Born 181183 AC[2]
Personal arms A silver snail on green
(Vert a snail argent)
Book The Mystery Knight (appears)

Uthor Underleaf, sometimes called the Snail for his personal emblem, was a tourney knight during the reign of King Aerys I Targaryen.

Appearance and Character

Ser Uthor had small, shrewd, close-set eyes with thin, arching eyebrows. He kept his black beard neat and had a receding hairline.[1] His squire was named Will.[1] Uthor was a hedge knight,[3] although he preferred not be called as such.[1]

Uthor was mercenary and practical and, according to Duncan the Tall, was "no true knight".[1]

Like his sigil, the snail, Uthor "hid in his shell", enjoying comfort while keeping a low profile. His tent's exterior was plain, but its inside was furnished with Myrish rugs, a featherbed, and ornate furniture. His silver wine cups were inlaid with a line of golden snails around the lip.[1]


Uthor was a professional tourney knight who made his living wagering on jousts and the ransoms he gained for his wins. He preferred not to become a tourney champion, as he did not want to become famous, but was satisfied with the prize granted to the knight who came second. Uthor would bribe the master of the games so that he would face the opponents he preferred—big men, older champions past their prime, and "village heroes"—where the odds would appear to be against him.[1]

Ser Uthor attended the wedding of Lord Ambrose Butterwell and Lady Frey. He participated in the wedding tourney at Whitewalls in celebration of the marriage. He was not part of the conspiracy to start the Second Blackfyre Rebellion, only attending the tourney for the money he planned to win there.[1]

In his first joust, Uthor unhorsed Ser Duncan the Tall in the first tilt with a blow to the head. In his second joust, he defeated Ser Addam Frey.[1]

Afterwards, Duncan came to Uthor's tent to forfeit his arms, armor, and horse, Thunder. He saw Uthor chastise his squire, Will, for accepting "traitor's gold", a dragon with the face of Daemon I Blackfyre. Uthor would have preferred to receive a ransom for Dunk's possessions, but Dunk had no money to pay it. Uthor would not accept a promise on parchment, but instead offered Dunk a place in his service. Uthor wanted someone who would appear to be a fearsome knight, who would get excellent odds when faced with Uthor at minor tourneys across Westeros. Uthor thought that by the time news got around that Dunk was a hopeless jouster, they would have won enough money to buy a dragon egg. Dunk refused the offer, however. Uthor also revealed how Ser Glendon Flowers had achieved his knighthood, and the fact that Dunk had a secret enemy, as someone had bribed Uthor to kill Dunk in the joust.[1]

Uthor then defeated Ser Theomore Bulwer in five tilts. For his next tilt, he unexpectedly was to go against Ser Tommard Heddle, as Lord Gormon Peake had bribed the master of the games with a better offer than Uthor's, to make sure that Uthor would not face Ser John the Fiddler or win the tourney. However, the tourney was interrupted by claims that a thief had stolen the grand prize of the tourney, Lord Butterwell's dragon egg.[1]

While Uthor was at the feast, Duncan infiltrated the knight's pavilion and reclaimed his sword and shield from Will, using them to defend his own squire, Prince Aegon Targaryen, from Tom Heddle.[1] After the defeat of the Second Blackfyre Rebellion, Aegon convinced Lord Brynden Rivers, the Hand of the King, to loan Dunk the gold to pay Uthor's ransom.[1]

Quotes by Uthor

Uthor: I ride where I will and serve no man but myself, true ... but it has been many a year since I last slept beneath a hedge. I find that inns are far more comfortable. I am a tourney knight, the best that you are ever like to meet.

Duncan: The best? The Laughing Storm might not agree, ser. Nor Leo Longthorn, not the Brute of Bracken. At Ashford Meadow no one spoke of snails. Why is that, if you're such a famous tourney champion?

Uthor: Have you heard me name myself a champion? That way lies renown. I would sooner have the pox.[1]

—Uthor and Duncan the Tall

I follow tourneys from afar as faithfully as the maesters follow stars.[1]

—Uthor to Duncan the Tall

The snail may leave a trail of slime behind him, but a little slime will do a man no harm... whilst if you dance with dragons, you must expect to burn.[1]

—Uthor to Duncan the Tall

Quotes about Uthor

I see why you have a snail on your shield. You are no true knight.[1]

Duncan the Tall to Uthor
