Walys Mooton

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House Mooton.svg Lord
Walys Mooton
House Mooton.svg
Title Lord of Maidenpool
Culture Rivermen
Died 130 AC
Rook's Rest

Played by Turlough Convery
TV series House of the Dragon: Season 2

Walys Mooton was the Lord of Maidenpool and the head of House Mooton during the early part of the Dance of the Dragons.[1]

In the television adaptation House of the Dragon, Walys is portrayed by Turlough Convery.


Following the battle of Rook's Rest in the Dance of the Dragons, Lord Walys desired to recover Rook's Rest for the blacks and Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen. Walys led a hundred knights from Maidenpool and joined with soldiers from the Crabbs, Brunes, and Celtigars. They took the greens' garrison at Rook's Rest by surprise and recovered the castle.[1]

Afterwards, Walys led his bravest soldiers to the field west of Rook's Rest to kill the injured dragon Sunfyre. The attackers failed to kill the dragon, however. Three score were killed, including the charred Lord Walys, before the survivors fled. Walys was succeeded as Lord of Maidenpool by his brother, Manfryd Mooton, who found Walys's body when he arrived at the castle a fortnight later.[1]


Walys and his brothers could be the children of Lord Jonah Mooton and his lady wife, Perianne Moore, who are known to have had a successful marriage.[2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons - The Red Dragon and the Gold.
  2. Fire & Blood, The Long Reign - Jaehaerys and Alysanne: Policy, Progeny, and Pain.
Last known title holder:
Jonah Mooton
Lord of Maidenpool
?–130 AC
Succeeded by