Benjamin Avery

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Note: The canonicity of the character presented in this article is currently unclear. They are not mentioned in the written works of George R. R. Martin. However, they are mentioned in the graphic novel adaptation of The Hedge Knight, in the roll of arms of the attendees of the tourney at Ashford Meadow. Until further information comes out, they should be considered a semi-canon character.
Benjamin Avery.svg Ser
Benjamin Avery
Benjamin Avery.svg
Title Ser
Culture Westeros
Personal arms Parchment upon a brown escutcheon on beige[1]
Book The Hedge Knight, Graphic Novel (mentioned)

Ser Benjamin Avery was a knight during the reign of King Daeron II Targaryen.[1]


Benjamin participated in the tourney at Ashford Meadow in 209 AC.[1]

Behind the scenes

The character is named after Ben Avery, the adapter (scriptwriter) of the graphic novel adaptations of The Hedge Knight, The Sworn Sword, and The Mystery Knight.
