Humfrey Beesbury

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House Beesbury.svg Ser
Humfrey Beesbury
House Beesbury.svg
Humfrey Beesbury by Even Mehl Amundsen (cropped).jpg
Humfrey Beesbury, by Even Mehl Amundsen ©

Title Ser
Allegiance House Beesbury
Culture Reach
Died 209 AC
Spouse Sister of Humfrey Hardyng
Book The Hedge Knight (appears)

Humfrey Beesbury was a knight from House Beesbury during the reign of King Daeron II Targaryen. Ser Humfrey Hardyng was his brother-in-law, as Humfrey Beesbury had married his sister.[1]


Ser Humfrey participated in the tourney at Ashford Meadow in 209 AC. He jousted against his brother-in-law, Ser Humfrey Hardyng. They broke twelve lances in what was considered the best fought battle of the day, which the smallfolk soon began calling "the Battle of Humfrey". Humfrey Hardyng won the struggle and remained in the competition as a champion.[1]

Humfrey joined his brother-in-law on the side of Ser Duncan the Tall in the trial of seven. He was slain by Ser Donnel of Duskendale of the Kingsguard in the first pass.[1]
