Category talk:Houses from the Blackwater Bay

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The name for this area calls this area the "crownlands", which seems like a better name, since parts of this area might be nowhere near Blackwater Bay. Does anyone think this category should be remamed? -Oorag 19:14, 2 May 2007 (CDT)

Basically I've seen three ways of naming this region:
  • King's Landing area-> Pros: is the one used at It's clear, simple and direct. Cons: it does not come from the books and does not sound like a real name for a place.
  • Crownlands->: Pros: It's descreptive, and sounds like a name for a place. Cons: Again, it does not appear on the books, so it's just a fan-made construction.
  • Blackwater Bay->: Pros: It does appear in the books (See bolow). Cons: The mention on the texts is not unequivocal (see below). IT's only mentioned on the 4th book, so its use is not extended in fandom.
The term "Blackwater Bay" is not used on the first three books. In the fourth it does appear three times. Perhaps the clearest example is:
“Waters” was a common bastard name about Blackwater Bay; old Longwaters was more like to be descended from some minor household knight than from a princess.
Since we know that Waters is used both in the continental land and in the isles, the sentence could be interpreted as if Blackwater Bay is the proper name for the whole area. However, it's open to interpretations, I suppose.
If we are to look at the maps, the legend "Blackwater Bay" is written in big letters and encompassing from King's Landing to Dragonstone. Then again, the Cracklaw Point could be seen as out of it, and perhaps also inland keeps such as The Antlers.
Well, that's the amount of thought I gave to this. I chose naming it "Blackwater Bay" because it's the only that comes from the books, but I could be convinced otherwise. --The hairy bear (Send me a raven) 04:12, 3 May 2007 (CDT)