Rodrik Ryswell

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House Ryswell.svg Lord
Rodrik Ryswell
Rodrik Ryswell.svg
Title Lord of the Rills
Allegiance House Ryswell
Culture Northmen
Born the Rills[1]
Personal arms A gold horse's head, eyes and mane red, on bronze within a black engrailed border
(Bronze, a horse erased or orbed and maned gules within a bordure engrailed sable)

Rodrik Ryswell is the Lord of the Rills and the head of House Ryswell in the north. He has at least two daughters,[2] the late Bethany, Lady of the Dreadfort, and Barbrey, Lady of Barrowton, and three sons, Roger, Rickard, and Roose.[3][N 1] Rodrik's personal coat of arms is an alteration of the Ryswell horse head, golden instead of black.[3]


Rodrik is ambitious and breeds horses.[3]


Rodrik's elder daughter, Bethany, was the second wife of Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort.[3]

Brandon Stark, eldest son of Rickard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, was fostered at Barrowton with House Dustin. Brandon spent much of his time riding the Rills, and Lord Ryswell enjoyed hosting the heir to Winterfell during his visits. The ambitious Rodrik wanted to wed his younger daughter, Barbrey, to Brandon, and Barbrey eventually gave her maidenhead to Brandon. Lord Stark, ambitious as well, did not want Brandon to marry one of his bannermen, however, and Rickard instead betrothed Brandon to Catelyn Tully, eldest daughter of Hoster Tully, Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident. Lord Rodrik next unsuccessfully hoped to betroth Barbrey to Rickard's middle son, Eddard Stark, and she instead wed Willam Dustin, Lord of Barrowton.[3]

Robert's Rebellion began after the deaths of Rickard and Brandon in King's Landing. Barbrey gave the pride of Rodrik's herds, a red stallion, to her husband when he marched south with Lord Eddard.[4] Willam ended up dying in combat at the tower of joy.[5] Barbrey resents that Eddard returned the stallion to the north, but not Lord Dustin's bones.[4]

Recent events

A Feast for Crows

House Ryswell is one of the first houses to swear allegiance to Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort, after he is named the new Warden of the North by the Iron Throne.[6]

A Dance with Dragons

Theon Greyjoy notices Lord Rodrik's golden horse head banner above Barrow Hall, the seat of his daughter Barbrey, Lady of Barrowton.[3]

Lord Ryswell, along with his sons and surviving daughter Barbrey, attends the wedding of Ramsay Bolton to "Arya Stark" (actually Jeyne Poole) in Winterfell. Theon sees Rodrik's gold horse head hanging on the walls of the Great Hall during the wedding feast.[7]




And my lord father was always pleased to play host to the heir to Winterfell. My father had great ambitions for House Ryswell. He would have served up my maidenhead to any Stark who happened by, but there was no need. Brandon was never shy about taking what he wanted.[4]


  1. The appendices of A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons list Roger, Rickard, and Roose as Rodrik's quarrelsome cousins, but the text of A Dance with Dragons specifies them as his sons in 20. Reek II and 32. Reek III.


Last known title holder:
Lord Ryswell
Lord of the Rills Incumbent