Hall of Lamps

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The Hall of Lamps is the entrance hall of the Great Sept of Baelor.


Steps from the plaza outside lead to the Hall of Lamps, and entrants pass beneath colored globes of leaded glass.[1] The hall's inner doors open to the heart of the Great Sept of Baelor.[1]

Recent Events

A Feast for Crows

After the death of her father, Lord Tywin Lannister, Queen Regent Cersei Lannister meets with mourners in the Hall of Lamps.[1]

During Tywin's funeral service, King Tommen I Baratheon flees from his grandfather's funeral bier out of disgust while trying to pray. When Ser Jaime Lannister catches up to the boy in the Hall of Lamps, Tommen promises he will do better in the morning.[2]

The newly-chosen High Septon, the so-called High Sparrow, has a score of septons, including Most Devout like Septon Raynard, clean the floor of the hall.[3]

Cersei is met in the Hall of Lamps by three knights from the Warrior's Sons when she returns to the Great Sept to meet with her imprisoned rival, Queen Margaery Tyrell.[4]

A Dance with Dragons

A dozen Warrior's Sons escort Cersei from the Hall of Lamps when she begins her walk of atonement.[5]
