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Note: Work in Progress. See the forums discussion thread here!
moved to Help:Referencing_and_Canon

Canon is a term used to denote officially accepted material within fictional work. When there are numerous sources for fictional content, it becomes unclear what is considered as having officially occurred or to be officially correct, and what is not. The below canon policy is how this wiki clarifies sourced information from other media in relation to George R. R. Martin's own writings for A Song of Ice and Fire.

The Canon is broken down into three levels: M, T, and D. Together, these three levels form the overall A Song of Ice and Fire continuity. Each ascending level overrides the lower ones; for example, in the television series Mago is killed, but he still lives in the novels. Therefore, he is considered officially alive in the overall story.

  • M-Canon or Martin-Canon is content created by series author George R. R. Martin. This includes all novels, shorts, and published writings within the series; unpublished personal writings; fan and media correspondence, and the like. Anything written by Martin is officially correct within the series. The only way that M-Canon can be outdated or retconned is if Martin writes new content that overrides the later.
  • T-Canon or Television Canon is content that is seen or created for the HBO television series Game of Thrones. Content seen in the series that is not directly contradictory to M-Canon content is considered officially correct within the series. However, any changes or alterations within the series are overridden by M-Canon (for example character ages, or unwritten deaths seen in the show).
  • D-Canon or Derived Canon is content that is seen within officially licensed products based on the series, such as games, comics, or companion books. D-Canon is considered officially true within the series unless it is directly contradictory or overridden by T- or M-Canon. Examples include more in-depth background on minor characters seen in the roleplaying games, or artwork in companion books showcasing characters that follows any written details about them.

Article layout

Do we have any guidelines to article layout, in terms of sections ordering? I seem to recall something with spoilers but I can find it. --Mor 14:45, 9 November 2011 (UTC)