Talk: Rogar Baratheon

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Wait a minute...wasn't his name given in TWOIAF as "Robar"?--The Dragon Demands (talk) 06:25, 10 October 2017 (UTC)


Do we know if Rogar's father was Lord of Storm's End, or if Rogar inherited directly from Orys? Potsk (talk) 22:41, 18 February 2024 (UTC)

No, we do not know either way. The marriage of Orys and Argella and their children are still a mystery overall. If Raymont turns out to be cut from the canon, then there is a possibility for Davos Baratheon to be an only child and Rogar's father. Thomaerys Velaryon (talk) 22:51, 18 February 2024 (UTC)
Since Davos is mentioned among the lords who were rewarded by Aenys I Targaryen, he most likely was Orys's successor. And looking at the date of Rogar's birth, there isn't much time for a second son to father Rogar. But there is no proof, indeed. The Wondering Wolf (talk) 08:09, 19 February 2024 (UTC)