High Priest (R'hllor)

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The High Priest is a prominent red priest in the religion of R'hllor, the Lord of Light. Benerro is the High Priest of the Temple of the Lord of Light in Volantis, and he also has the titles Flame of Truth, Light of Wisdom, First Servant of the Lord of Light, and Slave of R'hllor.[1] It is currently unknown if there is a single High Priest who leads all followers of the Lord of Light in the known world, or if each red temple has their own High Priest.

Recent Events

A Dance with Dragons

While in Volantis, Tyrion Lannister sees the High Priest Benerro preaching at the vast Temple of the Lord of Light.[2]

Benerro sends Moqorro to Slaver's Bay to convert Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of Meereen, to the faith of R'hllor.[3]


Tyrion: Who is Benerro?

Haldon: High Priest of the red temple in Volantis. Flame of Truth, Light of Wisdom, First Servant of the Lord of Light, Slave of R'hllor.

Tyrion: Give me priests who are fat and corrupt and cynical, the sort who like to sit on soft satin cushions, nibble sweetmeats, and diddle little boys. It's the ones who believe in gods who make the trouble.[1]
