Walder Frey (son of Jammos)/Theories

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  • This does not include responses that are also standalone theories.
  • Usage of an indented bullet does not imply the statement is a response.

Big Walder Frey is theorized to have murdered his cousin, Little Walder Frey, during the string of murders at Winterfell following the marriage of Ramsay Bolton and "Arya Stark".

Supporting evidence

  • Big Walder is blood-splattered after the murder.[1]
  • Little Walder is ahead of Big Walder in the line of succession for the Twins. When Little Walder notes that neither of them will ever hold the Twins, Big Walder insists he will.[2]
  • Due to the large number of Freys, Merrett Frey reflects that only full-blood siblings can be trusted at the Twins, but only so far,[3] indicating the cutthroat nature of relationships at the Twins.
  • When Theon Greyjoy accuses Rowan and the rest of Abel's "washerwomen" of the murders at Winterfell, Rowan implies they may have murdered the rest of the victims, but insists they didn't murder Little Walder.[1]
  • According to Big Walder, before his death Little Walder was looking for a White Harbor knight who owed silver from a game of dice. This seems a fabricated story to conveniently draw suspicion to the Manderlys, a House having bad blood with House Frey in that moment.[1]
