Lord of Whitewalls

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Lord of Whitewalls[1] was a title held by the head of House Butterwell when they ruled Whitewalls in the riverlands.


Lord Butterwell served as Hand of the King to Aegon IV Targaryen, and he had Whitewalls built at great expense during his rule.[2] His grandson was Lord Ambrose Butterwell, who served as Hand to King Daeron II Targaryen.[3]

In 212 AC, Lord Ambrose hosted the wedding tourney at Whitewalls. The celebration was actually the pretense for a gathering of House Blackfyre supporters, but Lord Brynden Rivers, Hand to King Aerys I Targaryen, suppressed the Second Blackfyre Rebellion before it could begin.[4] Ambrose forfeited Whitewalls to the Iron Throne and was allowed to keep only a tenth of his fortune, and Brynden decided to have the castle dismantled to prevent it from becoming a monument for Blackfyre supporters.[2]

Known Lords of Whitewalls
