Rupert Falwell

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House Falwell.svg Lord
Rupert Falwell
the Fighting Fool
Star of the Faith.svg
Alias The Fighting Fool[1]
Title Lord
Culture Westermen
Died 42 AC
the Great Fork of the Blackwater[1]

Rupert Falwell, known as the Fighting Fool, was a Lord of House Falwell during the Faith Militant uprising.[1]


At the battle at the Great Fork of the Blackwater in 42 AC, Lord Rupert led the ranks of the pious that had answered the High Septon's and the Starry Sept's call to took up arms against the Iron Throne. Those that rode with him against the royal army led by King Maegor I Targaryen himself, included Ser Lyonel Lorch, Ser Alyn Terrick, Lord Tristifer Wayn, Lord Jon Lychester, along with many other puissant knights. The famed Fighting Fool slew two knights of the Kingsguard before being cut down by Lord Mooton of Maidenpool.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fire & Blood, The Sons of the Dragon.