Nyessos Vhassar

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Volantis.svg Triarch
Nyessos Vhassar
Title Triarch of Volantis
Allegiance Elephants
Race Valyrian
Culture Volantene
Book A Dance with Dragons (mentioned)

Nyessos Vhassar is one of the current ruling triarchs of the Free City of Volantis. He is of the elephant party.

Recent Events

A Dance with Dragons

Nyessos, like the other two triarchs, is up for reelection. Griff says that Illyrio Mopatis has paid Nyessos enough to own him eight times over. He owes much of his wealth to the slave trade. It is said in Volantis that Nyessos has been bought by Yunkai and plans to have the Volantene fleet sail against Daenerys Targaryen of Meereen upon reelection.[1]
