Jeyne Poore

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Star of the Faith.svgJeyne Poore
Poxy Jeyne
Poor Fellows.svg
Alias Poxy Jeyne Poore[1]
Allegiance Poor Fellows
Culture Stormlander
Died late 45 AC or early 46 AC[1]

Jeyne Poore, known as Poxy Jeyne Poore, was a leader of the Poor Fellows during the Faith Militant uprising against King Maegor I Targaryen.[1]


Jeyne is said to have been a savage captain of the Poor Fellows.[1] Septons serving King Maegor I Targaryen considered her a witch.[1]


Following the Faith Militant's defeats in 42 AC in the battles at Stonebridge and the Great Fork of the Blackwater, new leaders arose across the Seven Kingdoms in 43 AC. While the Warrior's Sons were all knights, the lower order of Poor Fellows contained male and female members. Poxy Jeyne led the Poor Fellows in the forested lands between King's Landing and Storm's End, making travel impassable. The forested terrain made Jeyne's cell more difficult to fight than others, and the kingswood was in close proximity to King's Landing.[1]

When King Maegor I Targaryen launched a new military campaign against the Faith Militant late in the year 45 AC, he targeted Jeyne's Poor Fellows. Scores of them were hunted down, and any taken alive were hanged if they refused to join the Night's Watch.[1]

Although Jeyne eluded Maegor's forces for some time, she was eventually betrayed by three followers who received pardons and knighthoods for turning her over to the king. Three septons with Maegor declared Jeyne to be a witch, and the king ordered her to be burned in a field by the Wendwater. On the day of Jeyne's execution, three hundred Poor Fellows and peasants under the leadership of Ser Horys Hill attempted to rescue her. Jeyne's public execution was a trap to lure out her remaining followers, however, with Maegor's forces waiting and ready for them in an ambush. The rescuers were surrounded and slaughtered.[1]

After a year of campaigning, Maegor and his army returned to King's Landing in 46 AC in triumph, along with two thousand skulls which he questionably claimed to all have been Faith Militant. Other leaders of the Faith Militant had meanwhile regrown their strength, however. Septon Moon openly preached against Maegor the Cruel to huge crowds in the riverlands and the Reach, and Ser Joffrey Doggett had become the ruler in all but name of the hill country north of the Golden Tooth in the westerlands. Dennis the Lame and Ragged Silas continued their efforts as well.[1]

Behind the Scenes

Jeyne might have been inspired by Joan of Arc, who after being betrayed in the Hundred Years' War was declared a witch and burned at the stake.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Fire & Blood, The Sons of the Dragon.