Sam Stoops

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Sam Stoops
Title Steward of Standfast
Allegiance House Osgrey
Culture Reach
Born Reach[1]
Spouse Unnamed wife[2]
Book The Sworn Sword (appears)

Sam Stoops was the steward of Standfast for House Osgrey during the reign of King Aerys I Targaryen.[2]


By 211 AC, Sam was an old man and had a wife.[2] He distrusted Rohanne Webber, Lady of Coldmoat, and considered her a witch and a poisoner.[2]


When Ser Duncan the Tall trained smallfolk, Sam stuffed some old sacks with soiled straw for them to practice on. he also provided straw pallets in the undercroft of Standfast for the recruits to rest upon. He began praying when he saw Wat's Wood afire. Ser Bennis of the Brown Shield tied up Sam and his wife when Ser Eustace Osgrey was away.[2]
