Lucifer Massey

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House Massey.svg Lord
Lucifer Massey
House Massey.svg
Culture Crownlands
Died 42 AC
King's Landing

Lucifer Massey was the Lord of Stonedance and the head of House Massey during the reign of King Maegor I Targaryen.[1]


Lord Lucifer was present at Visenya's Hill when King Maegor was challenged by Ser Damon Morrigen, Grand Captain of the Warrior's Sons, to a trial of seven. He initially kept quiet when Maegor called upon those who would stand beside him. But he was shamed by the example of Dick Bean, a simple man-at-arms, and the appeal of Ser Bernarr Brune, and became one of the king's champions.[1]

According to several chroniclers, Lord Lucifer hacked off an arm of Ser Harys Horpe, one of the Warrior's Sons. According to one of these accounts, Massey was killed after Horpe tossed his battle-axe into the other hand and buried it between Lord Massey's eyes.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fire & Blood, The Sons of the Dragon.
Last known title holder:
Triston Massey
Lord of Stonedance
?–42 AC
Next known title holder:
Albin Massey