Lord of Sweetport Sound

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Lord of Sweetport Sound[1] is a title held by the head of House Sunglass, the ruler of Sweetport Sound in the crownlands.[2]

Recent Events

A Clash of Kings

Lord Guncer Sunglass supports Stannis Baratheon's claim to the Iron Throne as his bannerman.[3] The pious Guncer is thrown in the cells beneath Dragonstone after he tells Stannis he can not support him if he supports the destruction the castle's sept by the queen's men.[4]

A Storm of Swords

Lord Guncer is burned alive on the orders of Queen Selyse while Stannis is fighting the Battle of the Blackwater.[5] His brother succeeds him as head of the house and sails to Volantis afraid Melisandre would want to burn him too.[6]

Known Lords of Sweetport Sound
