Wedding of Ramsay Bolton and Arya Stark

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Jeyne Poole and Ramsay Bolton, by Beelphazoar ©
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Note: The title of this article is conjecture and may be subject to change.

The wedding of Ramsay Bolton and Arya Stark occurs in 300 AC in the aftermath of the War of the Five Kings. The recently-legitimized Ramsay Bolton marries "Arya Stark" at Winterfell, but the girl is actually Jeyne Poole.[1]


Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, brings his daughters Sansa and Arya with him to King's Landing after being named Hand of the King by Robert I Baratheon.[2] During Ned's arrest after King Robert's death, his daughter Arya evade captures and escapes the Red Keep.[3] Sansa and her friend Jeyne Poole are apprehended by House Lannister, however, and Lord Petyr Baelish offers to find a place for Jeyne as her father Vayon has been killed.[4]

The War of the Five Kings breaks out in Westeros, with Robb Stark declared King in the North at Riverrun[5] after King Joffrey I Baratheon orders the execution of his father, Lord Eddard.[6] The Lannisters claim to hold captive both Sansa and Arya in the capital, but Robb and his mother Catelyn fear the worst for Arya after receiving word only from Sansa.[7][8] Unbeknownst to the warring parties, Arya has fled the capital and is traveling incognito through the riverlands.[9][10]

Arya Stark evades capture, by Sedone Thongvilay © Fantasy Flight Games

Ramsay Snow, the bastard son of Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort, abducts Lady Donella Hornwood and forces her to marry him. Ramsay claims the title Lord of the Hornwood and leaves Donella to die in a tower.[11] Theon Greyjoy, once a ward of House Stark, leads the capture of Winterfell by ironborn,[12] and he announces the supposed deaths of Bran and Rickon Stark after they disappear from Winterfell.[13] Ramsay orders the sack of Winterfell after betraying Ser Rodrik Cassel's host of Stark loyalists.[14] At Harrenhal, Roose tells Ser Jaime Lannister that Arya has been found and he will be bringing her back to the north.[15] Robb and Catelyn are both slain at the Red Wedding, with Roose personally killing the King in the North.[16] Sansa disappears from King's Landing after Joffrey's death in the Purple Wedding,[17] with Petyr secreting her to the Vale of Arryn.[18]

As a reward for House Bolton's aid in the downfall of House Stark, Ser Kevan Lannister has young King Tommen I Baratheon sign documents naming Roose as the new Warden of the North and legitimizing his son as Ramsay Bolton.[19] With the Starks believed dead or disappeared, Lord Tywin Lannister, the new Hand, has Steelshanks Walton, Roose's captain, escort a northern girl claimed to be Arya away from King's Landing, and the girl tells Jaime in passing that the she is to wed Ramsay. Jaime thinks that the girl is older than Arya should have been, and he later tells Brienne of Tarth about the deceit.[19]

At the Dreadfort, Ramsay tells his tortured captive Theon that he will become Lord of Winterfell with Arya as his lady,[20] When Roose Bolton returns to the north with "Arya" after Theon resolves the siege of Moat Cailin, Theon recognizes that the girl with him is actually Jeyne Poole, the steward's daughter.[21]

Roose summons the northern bannermen to Barrowton to attend his son's wedding.[22][23] Rhaegar, Ser Jared, and Symond Frey, envoys from House Frey, disappear while riding for Barrowton[24] after meeting with Wyman Manderly, Lord of White Harbor.[25][26] In order to draw out Stannis Baratheon, Lord Bolton decides to move Ramsay's wedding from Barrowton to the ruins of Winterfell.[24]

At Castle Black, Melisandre tells Jon Snow, the new Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, that she has seen a vision of his half-sister fleeing from her marriage.[22] Jon approves of sending a disguised Mance Rayder south to rescue Arya.[27] Disguising himself as a bard named Abel, Mance arrives at Winterfell with six spearwives he claims to be his kin.[1][28] Musicians from White Harbor are also brought to Winterfell by Lord Manderly.[1] The true Arya, meanwhile, has sailed away to Braavos in Essos.[29]


Theon gives "Arya" away to Ramsay, by Thrumugnyr ©

Lord Roose Bolton and his supporters begin arriving at Winterfell, and the new Warden of the North has ad hoc repairs done to the ruined castle. Jeyne Poole and Theon Greyjoy travel to Winterfell in the train of Barbrey Dustin, Lady of Barrowton. Disguising himself as a bard named Abel, Mance Rayder arrives with six spearwives he claims to be his kin.[1][28] Musicians from White Harbor are also brought to Winterfell by Lord Wyman Manderly.[1]

Forced by the Boltons to pretend to be Arya, Jeyne's bridal attire is white lambswool trimmed with lace, with freshwater pearls sewn on the sleeves and bodice. The scared girl also wears white doeskin slippers. Ramsay Bolton, meanwhile, wears a black velvet doublet with pink silk and garnet teardrops, as well as high boots of soft grey leather. Theon, once a ward of House Stark, is tasked by Lady Dustin to give "Arya" away at the wedding, as the girl's kin are all believed dead. Lord Bolton has Theon, who has been mutilated by Ramsay, dressed in the black and gold of House Greyjoy. Theon places on Jeyne's shoulders a heavy white wool cloak bordered in grey fur and decorated with the direwolf of the Starks. Jeyne feels anger from Ramsay, who knows her true identity.[1]

Theon escorts Jeyne through the misty godswood of Winterfell to Ramsay by the forest's weirwood, with pipes and drums performing in the background and ravens watching from tree branches. After a brief ceremony, "Arya" and Ramsay kneel before the heart tree in a silent prayer. When they rise, Ramsay replaces Jeyne's white cloak with a pink cloak decorated with red garnets and the played man of House Bolton. As the couple and their guests depart the godswood, Abel and two of his women sing "Two Hearts That Beat as One". Theon thinks he hears a voice whisper his name in the godswood.[1]

Lord Wyman Manderly and a pie, by Borja Pindado © Fantasy Flight Games

The wedding feast is held in the crowded Great Hall of Winterfell, with Abel singing "Fair Maids of Summer" when Theon arrives. Jeyne, Theon, Barbrey, Ramsay, Roose, and Roose's new wife, Walda, all sit at the high table. Lord Manderly provides black stout and yellow beer, as well as red, gold, and purple wines, including Arbor gold. Food brought from White Harbor includes cod cakes, winter squash, neeps, large wheels of cheese, slabs of mutton, and charred beef ribs. The final course is three huge pork pies which Ramsay slices with his falchion and Lord Manderly then personally serves to Roose, Walda, and Walda's uncles, Ser Hosteen and Ser Aenys Frey; Wyman then eats two portions from each of the pies himself. The jolly Lord Manderly asks the musicians to sing "The Night That Ended" or a song about Danny Flint.[1]

At the high table, Lady Dustin expresses her distaste for Wyman to Theon, and she points out that Roose does not eat or drink anything until seeing that Lord Manderly has tried some of it first. When Maesters Medrick, Rhodry, and Henly enter the hall, Barbrey also explains her dislike for their order. The maesters inform Roose that Stannis Baratheon has departed Deepwood Motte, so Roose excuses himself so he can plan with the lords and captains in the solar. As Lord Manderly is helped from the hall, he drunkenly suggests that Abel sing about the Rat Cook.[1]

After the highborn depart the Great Hall, the Bastard's Boys escort Theon and Jeyne to Ramsay's bedchamber in the Great Keep; the room has been decorated with furnishings from Barrowton, including a feather mattress for the canopy bed, drapes of blood-ret velvet, and wolfskins to cover the floor. Ramsay orders Theon to undress Jeyne by cutting off her dress and smallclothes, and the new Lord of Winterfell orders Theon to prepare the new bride for bedding with his mouth.[1]


Theon and Jeyne leaping from the battlements of Winterfell, by Juliana Pinho ©

Ramsay confines Jeyne to her bedchamber after their wedding night, and he continues to bruise and mistreat her.[30] Lady Barbrey Dustin and Lord Roose Bolton worry that the sobbing of "Arya" threatens Ramsay's hold on Winterfell.[30]

Northmen who have joined Stannis Baratheon—including Morgan Liddle, Brandon Norrey, Hugo Wull, Alysane Mormont, and the Flints—support his march on Winterfell so they can rescue "the Ned's girl".[31]

Rather than Arya coming to the Wall as prophesied by Melisandre, Alys Karstark arrives at Castle Black seeking aid from Jon Snow after fleeing a potential marriage with her cousin Cregan at Karhold.[32]

Abel and his spearwives enlist Theon in their mission to free "Arya", and Theon helps Jeyne escape Winterfell.[33] They eventually encounter Theon's sister Asha at a crofters' village in the wolfswood.[34]

At Castle Black, Jon receives a letter from Ramsay in which he demands the return of his bride.[35]


From the north

Ramsay by Sardag ©

From the riverlands


Jeyne by GibiLynx a.k.a. LynxSphinx ©

Jaime: My lord father found some skinny northern girl more or less the same age with more or less the same coloring. He dressed her up in white and grey, gave her a silver wolf to pin her cloak, and sent her off to wed Bolton's bastard. I wanted to tell you that before you went galloping off to rescue her and got yourself killed for no good purpose. You're not half bad with a sword, but you're not good enough to take on two hundred men by yourself.

Brienne: When Lord Bolton learns that your father paid him with false coin ...

Jaime: Oh, he knows. Lannisters lie, remember? It makes no matter, this girl serves his purpose just as well. Who is going to say that she isn't Arya Stark? Everyone the girl was close to is dead except for her sister, who has disappeared.[19]

That is not Lord Eddard's daughter. Arya had her father's eyes, the grey eyes of the Starks. A girl her age might let her hair grow long, add inches to her height, see her chest fill out, but she could not change the color of her eyes. That's Sansa's little friend, the steward's girl. Jeyne, that was her name. Jeyne Poole.[21]

—thoughts of Theon Greyjoy

Even ruined and broken, Winterfell remains Lady Arya's home. What better place to wed her, bed her, and stake your claim?[24]

Here and there a torch burned hungrily, casting its ruddy glow over the faces of the wedding guests. The way the mists threw back the shifting light made their features seem bestial, half-human, twisted. Lord Stout became a mastiff, old Lord Locke a vulture, Whoresbane Umber a gargoyle, Big Walder Frey a fox, Little Walder a red bull, lacking only a ring for his nose. Roose Bolton's own face was a pale grey mask, with two chips of dirty ice where his eyes should be.[1]

—thoughts of Theon Greyjoy

Theon: Arya of House Stark comes here to be wed. A woman grown and flowered, trueborn and noble, she comes to beg the blessings of the gods. Who comes to claim her?

Ramsay: Me. Ramsay of House Bolton, Lord of the Hornwood, heir to the Dreadfort. I claim her. Who gives her?
Theon: Theon of House Greyjoy, who was her father's ward. Lady Arya, will you take this man?

Jeyne: I take this man.[1]

In her children our two ancient houses will become as one, and the long enmity between Stark and Bolton will be ended. I am sorry that our good friend Stannis has not seen fit to join us yet, as I know Ramsay had hoped to present his head to Lady Arya as a wedding gift. We shall give him a splendid welcome when he arrives, a welcome worthy of true northmen. Until that day, let us eat and drink and make merry ... for winter is almost upon us, my friends, and many of us here shall not live to see the spring.[1]

Roose Bolton at the wedding feast

The best pie you have ever tasted, my lords. Wash it down with Arbor gold and savor every bite. I know I shall.[1]

Lady Arya's sobs do us more harm than all of Lord Stannis's swords and spears. If the Bastard means to remain Lord of Winterfell, he had best teach his wife to laugh.[30]


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 37, The Prince of Winterfell.
  2. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 20, Eddard IV.
  3. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 50, Arya IV.
  4. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 51, Sansa IV.
  5. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 71, Catelyn XI.
  6. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 65, Arya V.
  7. A Game of Thrones, Chapter 55, Catelyn VIII.
  8. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 45, Catelyn VI.
  9. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 1, Arya I.
  10. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 3, Arya I.
  11. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 35, Bran V.
  12. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 46, Bran VI.
  13. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 50, Theon IV.
  14. A Clash of Kings, Chapter 66, Theon VI.
  15. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 37, Jaime V.
  16. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 51, Catelyn VII.
  17. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 61, Sansa V.
  18. A Storm of Swords, Chapter 68, Sansa VI.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 72, Jaime IX.
  20. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 12, Reek I.
  21. 21.0 21.1 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 20, Reek II.
  22. 22.0 22.1 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 28, Jon VI.
  23. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 29, Davos IV.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 32, Reek III.
  25. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 19, Davos III.
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 46, A Ghost in Winterfell.
  27. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 31, Melisandre I.
  28. 28.0 28.1 George R. R. Martin's A World of Ice and Fire, Mance Rayder.
  29. A Feast for Crows, Chapter 6, Arya I.
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 41, The Turncloak.
  31. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 42, The King's Prize.
  32. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 44, Jon IX.
  33. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 51, Theon I.
  34. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 62, The Sacrifice.
  35. A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 69, Jon XIII.