Rogar Baratheon

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House Baratheon.svg Lord
Rogar Baratheon
House Baratheon.svg
Rogar Baratheon by Jaydeewis.jpg
Rogar Baratheon, by Jaydeewis ©

Allegiance House Baratheon[1]
Culture Stormlander[1]
Born 17 AC[3]
Died 62 AC[4]
Storm's End[4]

Rogar Baratheon was the Lord of Storm's End and head of House Baratheon during the reigns of kings Maegor I Targaryen and Jaehaerys I Targaryen. During the minority of Jaehaerys I, Rogar served as Hand of the King and Protector of the Realm.[2] Throughout the long reign of King Jaehaerys I, Lord Rogar proved to be both a loyal friend and brief adversary to the king.[4]

A grandson of Lord Orys Baratheon and the eldest of five brothers, Rogar married Queen Dowager Alyssa Velaryon and fathered two children, Boremund and Jocelyn. Boremund succeeded his father as Lord of Storm's End, while Jocelyn married Prince Aemon Targaryen.[6]

Appearance and Character

Rogar had the typical blue eyes and black hair of House Baratheon, and wore a beard. He was muscled like a bull.[5]

Near the end of his life, age and illness took a toll on the Lord of Storm's End. His once-black hair had gone grey and his face was pale and lined. He grew so gaunt that his clothes hung loosely upon him.[4]

Rogar was no swordsman, and preferred to wield a double-bladed axe on the battlefield. He often described his axe as "large and heavy enough to cleave through a dragon's skull." He owned an antlered halfhelm.[5]

Rogar was a prideful man,[7][8] admired for his courage and boldness, respected for his strength, and feared for his military prowess and skill at arms. He was regarded as open-handed as he was bold in battle, and was unaccustomed to defeat.[5] Of a martial temperament,[8] Rogar was described as a warrior to the bone. He was fond of hawking, hunting, gambling, drinking, and feasting.[5][7] However, Rogar had no love for mummers, once declaring them to be of less use than a monkey.[8]

Rogar was not a man to yield, often boasting in battle that he would not lay down his axe while there was life in his body. Though King Jaehaerys I valued Rogar as a counselor and a friend, the young king believed his own intelligence, judgment, and temperament to be superior to that of the Lord of Storm's End. Despite his actions in his last year serving as Hand of the King, Rogar was not a cruel or evil man at heart, nor was he a fool.[7]


Early life

Rogar Baratheon was born in 17 AC, the eldest of five brothers and the grandson of Orys Baratheon, the first Lord of Storm's End of House Baratheon and the reputed bastard half-brother of King Aegon I Targaryen. As Lord Orys had taken Storm King Argilac the Arrogant's daughter to wife, Rogar could claim that both the blood of House Targaryen and House Durrandon flowed through his veins.[5]

Rogar's first wife died young, succumbing to a fever less than a year after her wedding to the Lord of Storm's End. The marriage was childless.[5]

Maegor the Cruel

When Prince Aegon the Uncrowned declared his uncle Maegor I Targaryen a tyrant and a usurper in 43 AC, Lord Rogar was among the great lords in secret communication with Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon, the prince's mother. However, Rogar would not declare for Aegon until the Prince of Dragonstone proved his strength; Aegon ultimately perished at his uncle's hand at the Battle Beneath the Gods Eye.[1] After Alyssa Velaryon and her children, Prince Jaehaerys and Princess Alysanne, fled from Dragonstone in 44 AC, Rogar provided them shelter. If he feared Maegor's wrath, he hid it well. His brother, Ser Borys, told others that Rogar dreamed of facing Maegor in single combat and cutting him down with his axe.[5]

In 48 AC, Lord Rogar was the first great lord to openly proclaim for Prince Jaehaerys against his uncle, Maegor the Cruel.[2] At Storm's End, Rogar proclaimed Jaehaerys to be the lawful King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, before a hundred of his lord's bannermen and knights. In return, Prince Jaehaerys named Rogar his Hand of the King and the Protector of the Realm.[1][9][10] While Lord Rogar was gathering his levies at Storm's End, King Maegor's response was slow and sluggish. When Lord Daemon Velaryon declared for his nephew Jaehaerys, other great houses soon followed Baratheon's and Velaryon's lead.[1][10] Ultimately, Rogar's dream of slaying Maegor the Cruel was denied to him when the king mysteriously died upon the Iron Throne.[5]

Twenty-three days after the mysterious death of King Maegor I, Lord Rogar arrived at King's Landing at the head of a large host, accompanying Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon, to meet up with Prince Jaehaerys, Princess Rhaena, and Princess Alysanne, who had arrived a fortnight earlier.[9] Some suggested Princess Rhaena to succeed as queen of the realm, though Rogar disagreed with the notion, firmly believing the throne should pass on to the next male heir, Jaehaerys. Lord Rogar had hundreds seized and arrested at the capital for their loyalties to Maegor.[11]

Hand of the King

During the remainder of Jaehaerys' minority, Rogar shared the rule of the realm with Queen Regent Alyssa, continuing to serve as Hand and Protector. However, Jaehaerys was no figurehead, and insisted on having a say in all decisions made in his name.[11] Though some whispered that Rogar ruled the realm entirely, Jaehaerys had a seat at nearly every small council meeting, and was not shy about having his voice heard. Though in the end, Rogar and Alyssa had the final authority throughout the young king's regency.[5] With the Red Keep's dungeons filled with Maegor's men, Rogar feared that executing them would only harden the remaining loyalists against the young prince. Instead, Rogar urged for Jaehaerys to allow Maegor's men to stand trial, execute those found guilty of the worst crimes, and take hostages from the others. Wishing to prove to the realm that he was not his uncle, Jaehaerys ultimately chose to forgive all those that had followed Maegor, only taking certain lands and hostages. Though his decree had no legal force as Jaehaerys was not yet crowned, his determination gave him the support of Lords Baratheon and Velaryon, and the Queen Regent soon assented.[11]

King Jaehaerys I and Princess Alysanne Targaryen, on their dragons Vermithor and Silverwing, arrive at the Golden Wedding of Rogar and Alyssa Velaryon. Art by Jaydeewis ©

Jaehaerys was formally crowned in the waning days of 48 AC at Oldtown, by the High Septon himself. Lord Rogar was one of the many lords in attendance.[11] When Rhaena wed Androw Farman on Fair Isle in 49 AC, Rogar was furious that she married without the crown's leave, perhaps because Rogar's youngest brother and two of his nephews were unmarried and of suitable age for the queen. Later that year, Rogar himself wed Queen Alyssa in the marvelous Golden Wedding at King's Landing, attended by numerous lords from throughout the Seven Kingdoms and even beyond. Many used the wedding as an opportunity to treat with the Hand, who was seen as the true power in the realm. Some servants controversially whispered that Rogar had bedded seven maidens from the pleasure houses of Lys, as the widowed Queen Alyssa had given her maidenhead to King Aenys I years before.[5] Rogar did not ask Jaehaerys' leave to wed his mother, which the king took for a slight and a sign of disrespect. Jaehaerys did not approve of the marriage, later confessing that he did not need a second father.[7]

With their wedding now behind them, Rogar and Alyssa turned to searching for a bride for Jaehaerys, with Rogar putting forward the notion for the king to marry the daughter of the Archon of Tyrosh, a buxom girl with blue-green hair. Princess Alysanne was to be wed to Ser Orryn Baratheon, Rogar's youngest brother. Though the council had not told Alysanne of the betrothal, she soon found out, possibly informed by her uncle, Daemon Velaryon. Under the cover of darkness, Jaehaerys and Alysanne snuck away to Dragonstone with their dragons and Kingsguard, where they married in secret. Rogar and Alyssa arrived soon after, and after learning that the marriage had not yet been consummated, sought to annul the union. However, Jaehaerys threatened Rogar's knights with his Kingsguard, and Alyssa, wishing to avoid bloodshed, convinced her husband to return to King's Landing.[5]

Lord Rogar felt humiliated for being forced to back down at Dragonstone, and intended to return with more men and take the fortress by storm, until Alyssa reminded him that her children had dragons.[7] When Alyssa wished to return to Dragonstone alone to beg her children to return, Rogar forbade her, saying that if she did so, Jaehaerys would never listen to her again, and end up the same sort of weak and wilful king as his father Aenys Targaryen. Jaehaerys and Alysanne would spend the rest of the king's minority at Dragonstone, while Rogar kept the king's marriage a secret, threatening to cut out the tongues of any witnesses present if word got out.[7]

With the king away from court, Rogar and Alyssa ruled the realm from the capital. Rogar and Alyssa plotted to undo the king's marriage, sending the Wise Women to Dragonstone in 50 AC, in an attempt to convince Alysanne and Jaehaerys that their incestuous marriage was an abomination in the eyes of the Faith of the Seven. According to the erotic memoir A Caution for Young Girls, one of these women, Lady Coryanne Wylde, was selected by Rogar for a different purpose. Some versions of the book state that Rogar met with Lady Coryanne in the inn on the south bank of the Blackwater Rush, beside the ferry landing, as she was traveling to King's Landing to begin serving in the household of Queen Alysanne on Dragonstone. (In the versions of the book entitled Sins of the Flesh and The High and the Low, it is not Lord Rogar who awaited Lady Coryanne at the inn, but the eldest of his four brothers, Ser Borys Baratheon.) He had her disrobe to inspect and feel her body, afterwards revealing the true reason for the summons was to beguile the king with her womanly wiles and break the relationship between brother and sister. In some copies of the version called A Wanton's Tale, Rogar bedded her that night. According to Archmaester Crey, the meeting at the inn never happened, and the story had been an attempt to blacken Lord Rogar's name, attributing the origins of the lie to Ser Borys. According to Maester Ryben, the story was nothing more than a bawdy tale amongst the smallfolk. However, Archmaester Gyldayn notes that Coryanne Wylde was a very unusual choice to be a lady-in-waiting for Alysanne, and believes that the tale within A Caution for Young Girls is the only plausible explanation.[7]

Under the ineffectual master of coin Lord Edwell Celtigar, the crown also faced debt, while a Vulture King raided the Dornish Marches. After it became clear that the Wise Women had failed (and Coryanne had fled Dragonstone with the son of the commander of the castle garrison), Alyssa finally gave in and told the small council that they must accept the marriage and prepare to deal with the consequences. However, Rogar furiously berated his wife before the council, calling her weak and sentimental, and urging them to put aside Jaehaerys and send him to Oldtown to become a maester. When he was asked if he wished to claim the Iron Throne for himself, Rogar denied the idea, and said his choice was Princess Aerea, the daughter of Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaena, saying that she would be supported by Rhaena and her dragon. However, Rogar's efforts failed, with the council shocked by his words towards his wife, and dismayed by the thought of another war between dragonriders. Queen Regent Alyssa demanded his resignation as Hand, quickly supported by Lord Qarl Corbray and the entire council. Furious, Rogar departed King's Landing with his brothers, albeit with half as many men as when they arrived. The bitter quarrel with his wife destroyed any affection Lord Rogar had for her.[7]


In Rogar's place, Alyssa named her brother Lord Daemon Velaryon as Hand of the King, but Rogar was someone who did not know how to yield. When Rogar and his brothers returned to Storm's End, Rogar made an effort to take Princess Aerea with them, sending his brother Ser Ronnal Baratheon to retrieve her from her quarters in the Red Keep. However, Lord Corbray had already spirited the young princess away on the Queen Regent's orders, hiding her in the guise of a common girl. Rogar then sent his youngest brother, Ser Orryn Baratheon, to the motherhouse attached to the Starry Sept in Oldtown to take into his custody Aerea's twin sister, Princess Rhaella, a novice of the Faith. However, the Faith refused, and Ser Orryn and a dozen Baratheon men-at-arms were captured by thirty armed septons led by the High Septon's steward, Casper Straw. Ser Orryn was questioned and confessed the plot: he was to bring Rhaella to Storm's End, where Rogar planned to have her confess that she was really her older twin sister, Princess Aerea, and then he meant to name her queen. For this, Lord Donnel Hightower imprisoned Ser Orryn and his men, much to Rogar's rage.[7]

However, the Lord of Storm's End did not call his banners and march on Oldtown, but instead fell into despair, expecting that he would soon be executed or sent to the Wall for treason. Having his maester draft a will and confession, Rogar absolved his four brothers of any wrongdoings, begged for mercy for Ser Orryn, and named the eldest of his brothers, Ser Borys, as his heir. With Queen Regent Alyssa emotionally hurt and withdrawn from public life, Lord Daemon and the council ruled the realm quietly, until King Jaehaerys came of age in the ninth moon of 50 AC, now old enough to rule in his own right.[7]

King Jaehaerys I feeding Vermithor before Rogar, by Jota Saraiva.

After King Jaehaerys returned to King's Landing, he summoned Lord Rogar back to the capital. While his brother Borys urged Rogar to join the Night's Watch, his other brothers Garon and Ronnal urged defiance. However, Rogar knew Storm's End would not stand before dragons, and instead rode to King's Landing with six of his oldest and most loyal knights, intending to explain himself to King Jaehaerys and take the black. Arriving in the throne room with only Jaehaerys and two Kingsguard in attendance for privacy, Rogar knelt before the Iron Throne and begged the king to spare House Baratheon. Though Rogar feared harsh reprisals, Jaehaerys instead said that treason was only actions, not words, and said the realm had need of him. Jaehaerys pardoned Rogar, on the conditions that he never speak another word against the king and his queen, that he would become their fiercest champion, and that he be an honorable husband to Jaehaerys's mother Alyssa. To this, Lord Baratheon quickly agreed. When Rogar asked if the king required hostages of him, Jaehaerys brought Rogar to where his dragon Vermithor was being fed, where he reminded the lord of the power of dragons. According to Grand Maester Benifer, Rogar realized that every man, woman, and child in the stormlands was Jaehaerys's hostage.[8]

Rogar reconciled with Alyssa, and they returned to the stormlands four days later, escorted by a hundred men-at-arms led by Ser Pate the Woodcock of the Kingsguard, to see them safely through the kingswood.[8]

When King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne held a public ceremony celebrating their marriage in 51 AC, Lord Rogar and Dowager Queen Alyssa were among the gathered nobility that stood witness. At the bedding, a drunk Rogar led the men who disrobed Alysanne and carried her to the bridal bed.[8]

Rogar and Alyssa's children

Rhaena Targaryen threatens Rogar, by chillyravenart ©

In 51 AC, Alyssa became pregnant with Rogar's child, bringing him much joy, as he had long ago abandoned any hopes of having children with his older wife. Though there were concerns with Alyssa's age, she gave birth to a healthy and robust boy that Rogar named Boremund.[8] However, Rogar's former heir, his brother Borys, became sour and angry, and eventually left the stormlands.[4]

In 54 AC, Alyssa became pregnant again with a second child of Rogar's. While Rogar was elated at the prospect of another son and foresaw no difficulties, many warned Alyssa that the birth would be difficult, considering her age and health. The warnings proved true in her eighth month of pregnancy; while Jaehaerys and Alysanne were hosted by Lord Dondarrion at Blackhaven on a royal progress, Rogar sent them news that their mother was on the brink of death. When the king arrived at Storm's End, he found Rogar drunk and afraid to look upon his dying wife. Maester Kyrie told the king and Rogar that he could save the child, though Alyssa would surely die. Jaehaerys had to make Lord Rogar say the words, and he reluctantly begged the maester to "save my son". While Alyssa died from the incision, the maester brought out a daughter, small and weak, who Rogar eventually named Jocelyn. But as dawn broke, Rhaena arrived at Storm's End, too late for her mother's last moments. Rhaena confronted Rogar in the great hall, where she accused him of killing her mother. She grabbed Rogar's beard, and threatened to burn Storm's End like Harrenhal should he ever take another wife or mistreat his children. Though Rogar spoke dismissively of Rhaena's threats in front of his brothers, he never wed again.[12]

In 58 AC, King Jaehaerys hosted a tourney at King's Landing to celebrate the tenth anniversary of his coronation. Lord Rogar and his children joined the feast that followed, and were warmly embraced by the king and queen.[13] When the Shivers struck the Seven Kingdoms in the winter of 5960 AC, Rogar was untouched, his children briefly fell ill before recovering, but his brother Ser Ronnal and his sons perished, as did his brothers' wives.[4]

Lord Rogar's War

In 61 AC, Lord Rogar returned to King's Landing, accompanied by his daughter Jocelyn and Ronnal's two daughters. Rogar had visibly changed since he had last come to court, as he was gaunt, his hair had gone grey, his face was pale and lined. Taking a knee before the throne, he begged the king and queen to take his daughter and nieces as wards to be raised at court, to which Jaehaerys and Alysanne gladly agreed. Rogar then warned Jaehaerys that his embittered brother, Ser Borys Baratheon, had returned to the Seven Kingdoms and joined the Vulture King, and was raiding his own people in the stormlands. Rogar asked the king and queen to watch over his young son Boremund at Storm's End, as he was afraid his brother Garon would not be able to protect him from Borys when he was gone. When Jaehaerys, alarmed, asked him what he meant, Rogar explained that his maester had told him he was dying. Rogar did not intend to die in bed, drugged from milk of the poppy; instead, he planned to march into the Red Mountains of Dorne to deal with his brother Borys and the Vulture King, and die with his axe in hand.[4]

Jaehaerys not only gave his leave, but decided to join Rogar to fight the traitor and the raider. The fight that followed is often known to the histories as the Third Dornish War, though the smallfolk of the time more aptly named it "Lord Rogar's War". The Lord of Storm's End marched five hundred men into the mountains, while Jaehaerys mounted Vermithor. As Rogar's host ascended the mountains, they were soon forced to abandon their horses and proceed on foot, his column harassed by Dornish raiders. Rogar proceeded from the east, while Lord Simon Dondarrion led a small host of knights from the marches from the west. Meanwhile, Jaehaerys watched from the sky, directing the stormlander hosts to outlaw encampments. Ser Borys was the first to be cornered by the hunters. Rogar's men made short work of Borys' outlaws, and the two brothers came face-to-face. However, to prevent Rogar from being named a kinslayer, Jaehaerys slew Borys himself. The next month, the king's host captured the Vulture King. Rogar had the outlaw's chains struck off and challenged him to single combat, easily killing the Vulture King with his double-bladed axe.[4]

Lord Rogar's War lasted less than half a year. With the Vulture King slain, raiding on the Dornish Marches fell off sharply. To Rogar's dismay, he did not fall in battle. Half a year later, in 62 AC, Rogar Baratheon died at Storm's End in the presence of his maester, his septon, his brother Ser Garon, and his son and heir, Boremund. Boremund succeeded his father as Lord of Storm's End.[4]

Quotes by Rogar

Maegor has only one dragon. Our prince has two.[1]

—Rogar to the stormlords, while declaring for Jaehaerys

I have seen your daughters. They have no chins, no teats, and no sense.[5]

—Rogar to Edwell Celtigar

You are weak, as weak as your first husband was, as weak as your son. Sentiment may be forgiven in a mother, but not in a regent, and never in a king. We were fools to crown Jaehaerys. He thinks only of himself, and he will be a worse king than his father was. Thank the gods that it is not too late. We must act now and put him aside.[7]

—Rogar to Alyssa Velaryon, before the small council

All I did and all I tried to do was for the good of the realm and the Iron Throne.[7]

—Rogar's will and confession

My maester says that I am dying. I believe him. Even before the Shivers there was pain. It has gotten worse since. He gives me milk of the poppy, and that helps, but I use only a little. I would not sleep away what life remains to me. Nor would I die abed, bleeding out of my arse. I mean to find my brother Borys and deal with him, and with this Vulture King as well. A fool's errand, Garon calls it. He is not wrong. But when I die, I want to die with my axe in my hand, screaming a curse.[4]


Rogar was a grandson of Lord Orys Baratheon and Lady Argella Durrandon, allowing Rogar to claim descent from House Durrandon and House Targaryen, for Orys was presumed to be the bastard half-brother of King Aegon the Conqueror. Lord Rogar was married twice. His first wife died from a fever, giving Rogar no children. He later took a second wife, Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon, who bore him two children, Boremund and Jocelyn.[5] Boremund would succeed Rogar as Lord of Storm's End, while Jocelyn would marry Prince Aemon Targaryen, the heir to the Iron Throne.[4][6]

Rogar was the eldest of five brothers. His younger brothers were Ser Borys, Ser Garon, Ser Ronnal, and Ser Orryn. Rogar had nephews and nieces from the older three brothers. While Orryn was in exile, he wed a daughter of the Archon of Tyrosh and had a daughter by her.[8]

Aerion Targaryen
[Note 1]
Unknown woman
[Note 2]
[Note 3]
Unknown first wife
Alyssa Velaryon
Archon's daughter
Two daughters
Elenda Caron
Rhaenys Targaryen
  1. Parentage unproven, but widely accepted as fact by some maesters, as well as members of House Targaryen and House Baratheon itself.
  2. Uncertain, may be Davos Baratheon.
  3. The canon status of the character is unclear. See: Family trees and successions – Comment by Ran (December 20, 2018).

Behind the Scenes

In published works, Rogar has been called both "Rogar Baratheon" and "Robar Baratheon". In The World of Ice & Fire, the name "Robar" is consistently used, while the character is called "Rogar" on some occasions in The Sons of the Dragon and (in the printed version and some e-book versions) "Robar" on others.

According to Elio Garcia, one of the co-authors of The World of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin used both names interchangeably in the original manuscript. Even though "Rogar" was used more frequently in the manuscript, for The World of Ice & Fire, the choice was made to use "Robar" as it was the name Martin wrote down towards the end of the manuscript.[14] As revealed by Garcia in July 2018, Martin started out in the manuscript with "Rogar", at one point switched to "Robar", and later on decided he preferred "Rogar" after all.[15]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Fire & Blood, The Sons of the Dragon.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 The World of Ice & Fire, The Stormlands: House Baratheon.
  3. See the Rogar Baratheon calculation.
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 Fire & Blood, The Long Reign - Jaehaerys and Alysanne: Policy, Progeny, and Pain.
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 Fire & Blood, The Year of the Three Brides - 49 AC.
  6. 6.0 6.1 The World of Ice & Fire, Appendix: Targaryen Lineage.
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 Fire & Blood, A Surfeit of Rulers.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Fire & Blood, A Time of Testing - The Realm Remade.
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Sons of the Dragon.
  10. 10.0 10.1 The World of Ice & Fire, The Targaryen Kings: Maegor I.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Fire & Blood, Prince into King - The Ascension of Jaehaerys I.
  12. Fire & Blood, Birth, Death, and Betrayal Under King Jaehaerys I.
  13. Fire & Blood, Jaehaerys and Alysanne - Their Triumphs and Tragedies.
  14. Vassals of Kingsgrave podcast (November 18, 2017)
  15. FIRE AND BLOOD Volume 1: Robar vs Rogar (July 24, 2018)
Last known title holder:
Orys Baratheon
Lord of Storm's End
Lord Paramount of the Stormlands

?–62 AC
Succeeded by
Preceded by Hand of the King
4850 AC
Served under: Jaehaerys I Targaryen
Succeeded by
Preceded by 4th Protector of the Realm
4850 AC
Served under: Jaehaerys I Targaryen
Succeeded by